You know well how important it is to possess all the facts before taking a stand. And you know well how tedious it is to collect said facts when the involved parties are making cut-and-paste collages out of them at will. Advice for today? Do your best.
2/10/2025 To 2/16/2025
(10th February to 16th February) The week is favorable and not loaded with problems, but interesting events are also not yet foreseen. The horoscope recommends that Capricorn work on himself. This is a great time to learn and develop, both externally and internally. Move all important decisions to next week. At the end of the week, Capricorn should avoid understatement in personal conversations and try to mentally pronounce each phrase before uttering it. The horoscope recommends avoiding gullibility during this period. There is a risk that someone intends to deprive you of an objective picture of ongoing events, presenting everything in a way that is beneficial to themselves.
This week lucky numbers are:
64, 45, 95, 94, 3
1/1/2025 horoscope
CAPRICORN - The Sign of the Sea Goat
The Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, with the Sea Goat as its symbol, has a lot to be proud of. Their typical flaws, however, such as stiffness, clumsiness, and self-doubt may explain why the wave of new cosmic rhythms and the subsequent drastic changes in the flow of the Capricorn's days cause they to be swept away by a new current along a new path. This may at times cause anxiety, a feeling as if the Capricorn no longer has a strong foothold. To avoid this stinging sensation of helplessness, it is often recommended that the Capricorns try reading a horoscope as a trivial, but an extremely powerful remedy for those that at times feel swept away by something uncontrollable. That is because the horoscope offers some foresight, allowing the Capricorns to manipulate the incoming events by adjusting their own energy and the way they apply it. Those that read the horoscope wisely, are in-tune with nature - including the celestial nature, and will develop a growing sense for the minds of others that they may act in harmony with the external changes and the luminous minds and against those which have become darkened. Those that read the horoscope foolishly, just for gags, or are completely disregarding this ultimate pinnacle of astrological developments, are setting themselves up to be one of those darkened minds.
Luck and fate are cyclical in nature: good things and bad ones, as well as periods of luck and lack thereof, often interchange. The night follows the day, and the day follows the night - the same is true in the lives of all signs, including the Capricorn. After dark times, an uplifting horoscope, a glimpse into the undoubtful brighter future - and thus an embodiment of some form of hope, may begin a cycle of healing, refreshment, and prosperity within every affair to connected to the virtuous use of the mind by the Capricorn. The horoscope may be that light amidst a dark and cold night, that just might help the Capricorn keep going.
It is all not all dim. The horoscope plays not only the role of a counsellor during the hard times. It serves a deeper role than just being an idle messenger of good news; it is a tool for the Capricorn to use to ensure the good news keep on coming. Using the resolve, generosity, wisdom, and ambition, which are all of the positive traits associated with the worthy sign of Capricorn, a representative of this House may turn fate to serve the best ends possible. To do so, the Capricorn must redirect the energy that will align with the energy emanating from the cosmos in perfect harmony. In this harmony, the Capricorn will reach its true potential, justify its superiority, and achieve great heights. These conquered mountains, be it goals in personal or professional lives, will lead to further conquests, and so - through this alignment and balance, the Capricorn may govern fate, despite his own aforementioned flaws of stiffness, clumsiness, and self-doubt.
1/2/2023 horoscope
Hurdles would come and go, but Capricorns won’t give up! And that should stay your attitude in 2023. Strongly, standing on your ethics and ways of living life, you would do pretty well, as per the Capricorn yearly horoscope 2023. Your policies will not only get you success but also help you achieve all the leftover plans of the previous year. You need to express yourself right and manage all the areas of your life with a correct attitude and mindfulness. While your finances will be great, you may face troubles regarding your health. Planet Saturn will be there to delay some events. However, planet Jupiter will save you from multiple adversities. Right from the first quarter, your attitude will be positive about everything that shall come your way this year. Be it your love life or your married one, Capricorn natives are likely to enjoy their time with their partners from time to time. But, for the same to happen, you will need to follow a queue of thoughts. However, on the other hand, remember not to run into any shortcuts as that would surely drag you to the other side of the road in no time. So, stick to your nobility and follow what you are best at— Being Yourself!